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Further detailed slides and illustrations showing competitive approaches compared to SoundRecover are available in the original Naída seminar package and the dedicated SoundRecover presenation<<


We introduced SoundRecover around the world and fitters started asking why just for Naída? Why not offer SoundRecover for all types of HL?


We could have introduced SoundRecover for mild and moderate losses at the same time but we didn’t want to add a feature just for the sake of it.


SoundRecover was developed for severe to profound HL. With the great success and your request we started research for SoundRecover and mild-moderate HL.
高频重塑研究的初衷是为了满足重度-极重度听力损失患者的需要。在我们取得了巨大成功的同时,以及应大家的要求, 我们就高频重塑功能是否能应用于轻度到中度听力损失人群也开始了研究。


This is an amazing example that shows beautifully the process of acclimatization in adults. Before SoundRecover, this 52 year old man is hearing and producing an /r/ instead of a /z/. After 2 months it is clear that he is starting to hear more high frequencies but is producing a /sh/ and not a /z/. After 3 months, pronunciation of /z/ is clear and appropriate.
Recordings were made courtesy of Andrea Bohnert at the University Hospital for ENT and Communication Disorders, Mainz, Germany.


This is just one story about the benefit of SoundRecover for moderate to severe and profound HL.


SoundRecover, a Phonakproprietary algorithm, is designed to compress and shift high frequencies into an adjacent area of audible hearing.


This unique approach enables high-frequency information to be compressed with minimal artifacts.

This shows how the cut-off frequency varies depending on the degree of hearing loss. Now we can offer SoundRecoverto a whole range of audio configurations and are no longer restricted to the severe and profound high frequency losses.
截止频率的设置随着患者听力损失的情况不同而不同。因此,现在不光重度到极重度听力损失患者可以使用峰力的高频重塑功能, 所有的听力损失人群都可以从中受益。

Severe – profound: high cut of frequency, high compression rate

Mild – moderate: low cut of frequency and low compression rate



Those frequencies below the cutoff remain unchanged. Depending on the cuttoff frequncy, variable levels of compression are applied to the high High frequencies which are compressed and lowered. Hence the term "non-linear frequency compression“.

Now! we Know that all audiometric configurations can profit from SoundRecover. Audéo YES was the first product offering the benefits of SoundRecover for clients with hearing loss outside the power segment. Since then, Exélia Art, Nios micro and now Audéo MINI and SMARTalso all employ this Phonak exclusive. A SoundRecover solution is available for all audiometric configurations, ages and needs.



Let’s briefly review the frequency transposition schemes that have been tried.


A system which transposed or lowered the entire frequency range was ultimately discontinued and is no longer used commercially.


However another transposition system is available in competitive products.


The Widex Audibility Extender shifts a selected frequency section down and mixes it with other sounds. This shift and mix approach can be beneficial, but it also results in spectral blurring and unwanted distortion. >>This feature is also only available as an option in a secondary manual program.


SoundRecover does neither of these things. It sets a cutoff frequency within the audible range, then compresses and shifts high frequencies without any spectral overlap. So the full range of sounds is audible and sounds below the cutoff are unaffected.
峰力的高频重塑功能则不会产生以上后患。它在患者的可听范围内设置了一个截止频率,并将更高频的声音压缩、并转移,并且不发生频率重叠现象。 这样 患者就可以听到全频率范围的声音,并且截止频率以前的声音(较低频音)没有受到影响。


What does SoundRecover do?


Even SoundRecover was introduced last year we get ask a lot: What does SoundRecover do? Therefore we created a simple picture to visualize what SR is doing.




1.You can see 4 People sitting on a sofa.


2. Then one person more is joining and wants to sit down as well.

3. Please be aware that we are talking about nonlinear frequency compression. That means below the Cut off frequency nothing happens, just everything above becomes compressed. And that’s what you can see here. Just 2 people are squeezed together to make space for the fifth person.

4. What would happen in case of transposition? The fifth person would sit on the other two persons.

The /S/ sound is located in the high frequencies. The vowel /A/ is low frequency and can be seen clearly. In the second spectrogram, /ASA/, as perceived by someone with a high frequency hearing loss, shows the residual energy of the /S/ sound which is now inaudible. The low frequency vowels are not affected by a high frequency hearing loss and are still audible. When the /ASA/ is amplified with SoundRecover, non-linear frequency compression, the high frequency components are compressed to an audible range and the global relations between different frequency components are preserved.
/s/音的绝大多数能量位于高频区域。元音/A/在低频区,现在,使用高频重塑(非线性频率压缩)功能以后,患者可以听到/s/的声音,而低频区域的元音也没有受到影响,仍然可以听到的。 高频区域原先听不到的声音,如/S/音,被压缩并转移到了可以听到的区域,而且各个频率之间的相对关系仍然保持不变。


Regardless of the amount of compression applied, the non-linear frequency compressed output signals do not overlap the low frequency range and the global relations between different components remain intact.


The graph below shows the gain of a hearing instrument when non-linear frequency compression applied at different settings. The green line shows the original signal. Moving towards the left are different compression settings with the strongest setting (dark blue line) being 1500 Hz cut-off frequency with a compression ration of 4:1.

This is similar to what you will see in a test box with non-linear frequency compression turned on. Although it shows that there is no high frequency gain, this is incorrect as the high frequencies have been compressed to a lower frequency.

Background information:  背景信息
All pictures derived from MACarena “vcv” speech tests以上所有的图片均来源于MACarena “vcv” 的言语测试
On the spectrograms:在言语频谱图中(持续周期为1Vcv测试周期)
x = time (duration of 1 vcv item)横轴=时程轴
y = frequency from 0 to 6000 Hz纵轴是频率轴(0-6000赫兹)
MACarena Speech Tests is a software program designed to present speech stimuli and record subject responses. It was developed by Dr. Waikong Lai from the University of Zurich. Copyright, USZ_ORLLEA (May 2003).
MACarena言语测试是一种软件,它用于测出言语刺激声和记录受试者的反应。该软件是被苏黎世大学的Waikong Lai博士研制开发出来的,版权,USZ_ORLLEA (May 2003). 

SoundRecover is about providing audibility for the full spectrum of sounds and enhancing speech intelligibility. It is an effective and proven way to restore high frequency speech and environmental sounds without undesirable artifacts or a perception of shrillness or tinniness.



There is no spectral overlap or mixing as non compressed sounds below the cutoff frequency are not affected.


The resulting expansion of audibility provides benefits for speech intelligibility and environmental sound awareness, even in challenging listening situations.


It is important to remember that while many clients will spontaneously accept SoundRecover, some acclimatization is often required and should be expected. Typically, 4-6 weeks is sufficient for most clients to acclimatize.  Of course no solution is right for every single client.  For those who do not benefit from or would not prefer SoundRecover, it can easily be deactivated in iPFG with just one mouse click. However field studies indicate no negative consequences of SR, so even if benefit is not perceived, SR can remain active.




相关阅读: 峰力荣获2010 AIHHP“最佳供应商大奖” http://www.xmear.com/nshow.asp?tmpid=411






>> 下一篇(配了助听器,偶尔戴戴可以吗?)..
>> 上一篇(耳朵平时到底该不该掏)..
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Copyright @2009 All rights Reserved 厦门益耳医疗器械有限公司 版权所有 闽ICP备10028167
手机:13950181258(微信同号) 电话:0592-5566848 厦门益耳助听器中心,厦门助听器元老,福建难找自有店面经营、至专业的厦门助听器专卖店
地址:厦门思明区仙岳路452号松柏湖花园9号铺(松柏侨建花园、交通银行、松柏欧菲整形医院正对面) 公交地图等详见网站最上方"联系我们"栏目




Further detailed slides and illustrations showing competitive approaches compared to SoundRecover are available in the original Naída seminar package and the dedicated SoundRecover presenation<<


We introduced SoundRecover around the world and fitters started asking why just for Naída? Why not offer SoundRecover for all types of HL?


We could have introduced SoundRecover for mild and moderate losses at the same time but we didn’t want to add a feature just for the sake of it.


SoundRecover was developed for severe to profound HL. With the great success and your request we started research for SoundRecover and mild-moderate HL.
高频重塑研究的初衷是为了满足重度-极重度听力损失患者的需要。在我们取得了巨大成功的同时,以及应大家的要求, 我们就高频重塑功能是否能应用于轻度到中度听力损失人群也开始了研究。


This is an amazing example that shows beautifully the process of acclimatization in adults. Before SoundRecover, this 52 year old man is hearing and producing an /r/ instead of a /z/. After 2 months it is clear that he is starting to hear more high frequencies but is producing a /sh/ and not a /z/. After 3 months, pronunciation of /z/ is clear and appropriate.
Recordings were made courtesy of Andrea Bohnert at the University Hospital for ENT and Communication Disorders, Mainz, Germany.


This is just one story about the benefit of SoundRecover for moderate to severe and profound HL.


SoundRecover, a Phonakproprietary algorithm, is designed to compress and shift high frequencies into an adjacent area of audible hearing.


This unique approach enables high-frequency information to be compressed with minimal artifacts.

This shows how the cut-off frequency varies depending on the degree of hearing loss. Now we can offer SoundRecoverto a whole range of audio configurations and are no longer restricted to the severe and profound high frequency losses.
截止频率的设置随着患者听力损失的情况不同而不同。因此,现在不光重度到极重度听力损失患者可以使用峰力的高频重塑功能, 所有的听力损失人群都可以从中受益。

Severe – profound: high cut of frequency, high compression rate

Mild – moderate: low cut of frequency and low compression rate



Those frequencies below the cutoff remain unchanged. Depending on the cuttoff frequncy, variable levels of compression are applied to the high High frequencies which are compressed and lowered. Hence the term "non-linear frequency compression“.

Now! we Know that all audiometric configurations can profit from SoundRecover. Audéo YES was the first product offering the benefits of SoundRecover for clients with hearing loss outside the power segment. Since then, Exélia Art, Nios micro and now Audéo MINI and SMARTalso all employ this Phonak exclusive. A SoundRecover solution is available for all audiometric configurations, ages and needs.



Let’s briefly review the frequency transposition schemes that have been tried.


A system which transposed or lowered the entire frequency range was ultimately discontinued and is no longer used commercially.


However another transposition system is available in competitive products.


The Widex Audibility Extender shifts a selected frequency section down and mixes it with other sounds. This shift and mix approach can be beneficial, but it also results in spectral blurring and unwanted distortion. >>This feature is also only available as an option in a secondary manual program.


SoundRecover does neither of these things. It sets a cutoff frequency within the audible range, then compresses and shifts high frequencies without any spectral overlap. So the full range of sounds is audible and sounds below the cutoff are unaffected.
峰力的高频重塑功能则不会产生以上后患。它在患者的可听范围内设置了一个截止频率,并将更高频的声音压缩、并转移,并且不发生频率重叠现象。 这样 患者就可以听到全频率范围的声音,并且截止频率以前的声音(较低频音)没有受到影响。


What does SoundRecover do?


Even SoundRecover was introduced last year we get ask a lot: What does SoundRecover do? Therefore we created a simple picture to visualize what SR is doing.




1.You can see 4 People sitting on a sofa.


2. Then one person more is joining and wants to sit down as well.

3. Please be aware that we are talking about nonlinear frequency compression. That means below the Cut off frequency nothing happens, just everything above becomes compressed. And that’s what you can see here. Just 2 people are squeezed together to make space for the fifth person.

4. What would happen in case of transposition? The fifth person would sit on the other two persons.

The /S/ sound is located in the high frequencies. The vowel /A/ is low frequency and can be seen clearly. In the second spectrogram, /ASA/, as perceived by someone with a high frequency hearing loss, shows the residual energy of the /S/ sound which is now inaudible. The low frequency vowels are not affected by a high frequency hearing loss and are still audible. When the /ASA/ is amplified with SoundRecover, non-linear frequency compression, the high frequency components are compressed to an audible range and the global relations between different frequency components are preserved.
/s/音的绝大多数能量位于高频区域。元音/A/在低频区,现在,使用高频重塑(非线性频率压缩)功能以后,患者可以听到/s/的声音,而低频区域的元音也没有受到影响,仍然可以听到的。 高频区域原先听不到的声音,如/S/音,被压缩并转移到了可以听到的区域,而且各个频率之间的相对关系仍然保持不变。


Regardless of the amount of compression applied, the non-linear frequency compressed output signals do not overlap the low frequency range and the global relations between different components remain intact.


The graph below shows the gain of a hearing instrument when non-linear frequency compression applied at different settings. The green line shows the original signal. Moving towards the left are different compression settings with the strongest setting (dark blue line) being 1500 Hz cut-off frequency with a compression ration of 4:1.

This is similar to what you will see in a test box with non-linear frequency compression turned on. Although it shows that there is no high frequency gain, this is incorrect as the high frequencies have been compressed to a lower frequency.

Background information:  背景信息
All pictures derived from MACarena “vcv” speech tests以上所有的图片均来源于MACarena “vcv” 的言语测试
On the spectrograms:在言语频谱图中(持续周期为1Vcv测试周期)
x = time (duration of 1 vcv item)横轴=时程轴
y = frequency from 0 to 6000 Hz纵轴是频率轴(0-6000赫兹)
MACarena Speech Tests is a software program designed to present speech stimuli and record subject responses. It was developed by Dr. Waikong Lai from the University of Zurich. Copyright, USZ_ORLLEA (May 2003).
MACarena言语测试是一种软件,它用于测出言语刺激声和记录受试者的反应。该软件是被苏黎世大学的Waikong Lai博士研制开发出来的,版权,USZ_ORLLEA (May 2003). 

SoundRecover is about providing audibility for the full spectrum of sounds and enhancing speech intelligibility. It is an effective and proven way to restore high frequency speech and environmental sounds without undesirable artifacts or a perception of shrillness or tinniness.



There is no spectral overlap or mixing as non compressed sounds below the cutoff frequency are not affected.


The resulting expansion of audibility provides benefits for speech intelligibility and environmental sound awareness, even in challenging listening situations.


It is important to remember that while many clients will spontaneously accept SoundRecover, some acclimatization is often required and should be expected. Typically, 4-6 weeks is sufficient for most clients to acclimatize.  Of course no solution is right for every single client.  For those who do not benefit from or would not prefer SoundRecover, it can easily be deactivated in iPFG with just one mouse click. However field studies indicate no negative consequences of SR, so even if benefit is not perceived, SR can remain active.




相关阅读: 峰力荣获2010 AIHHP“最佳供应商大奖” http://www.xmear.com/nshow.asp?tmpid=411

