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Copyright @2009 All rights Reserved 厦门益耳医疗器械有限公司 版权所有 闽ICP备10028167
【厦门思明区助听器】|【厦门湖里区助听器】|【海沧助听器】|【翔安助听器】|【同安助听器】|【集美助听器】|【杏林助听器】 手机:13950181258(微信同号) 电话:0592-5566848 厦门益耳助听器中心,厦门助听器元老,福建难找自有店面经营、至专业的厦门助听器专卖店 地址:厦门思明区仙岳路452号松柏湖花园9号铺(松柏侨建花园、交通银行、松柏欧菲整形医院正对面) 公交地图等详见网站最上方"联系我们"栏目 打造厦门助听器|泉州助听器|漳州助听器|福州助听器|莆田助听器|石狮助听器|晋江助听器|龙海助听器|龙岩助听器|宁德助听器|三明助听器|南平助听器|安溪助听器等福建领航助听器验配 |
来源: 厦门助听器——厦门益耳助听器中心
The Phonak Group
Profile of the Group
Members of the Group
History of the Group
Corporate Culture - Technplogy driven by people
Translated into daily work life this means efficientknowledge transfer in a flat hierarchy. The company's management encourages the exchange of ideas - a pre-requisitefor innovative hearing solutions.
Only when employees commit themselves fully to the purpose of their work, can they achieve their true potential and profit from the intellectual capital of other members of the inter-disciplinary teams.
In return, Phonak employees enjoy a comfortable, modern working environment and meeting facilities equipped with the latest technology. Sports and catering facilities help employees create a sense of balance within their working lives.
At Phonak people really make things happen. "Nothing works without people"
Our Value 我们的价值观 Innovation 创新
Engagement 敬业
Responsibility 责任